Lucky packed his now wet books
and went to the restroom and there he bumped into someone a girl with mass amount of dreadlocks.
“Watch where you are going” she yelled
“YOU watch where you are going “ Lucky said annoyed
She took to her heel and shouted “I am late for class.” and she turned and disappeared "what a strange girl." Lucky said ,but he had other things to worry about like his drenched books and wet body and kept thinking “Who is that girl has dreadlocks” he put his books under the hand dryer and was drying his books then his bad luck struck as two people enter the room
One of them was Mason another was a girl He immediately ran into one of the stall and stayed there.
Mason said “Oh come on just one more time”
“NO, I am tired of you blackmailing me and all that I just wish you respected me more often and understand how I also feel about all of this”
“All about what?”
Lucky thought
Then the most dreadful thing happened.
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